Mari kita kenali karya-karya besar yang telah ditulis oleh ulama' kita sebagai pedoman bagi umat masa kini dan masa depan. Kebijaksanaan dan hikmah para ulama' ini adalah permata yang tidak ternilai harganya kerana inilah benteng utama kepada pemikiran dan jiwa umat Islam menghadapi cabaran serangan pemikiran zaman moden yang boleh menerjah hatta ke dalam benak fikir orang yang belajar dalam bidang agama.
Berikut merupakan antara karya-karya Hujjatul Islam al-Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali :
Berikut merupakan antara karya-karya Hujjatul Islam al-Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali :
1.Maqasid al-falasifa (The Intentions of the Philosophers).
->A precise summary of Islamic philosophy as represented by Ibn Sina.
2.Tahafut al-falasifa (The Incoherence of the Philosophers).
->Al-Ghazali's refutation of Islamic philosophy.
3.Mi'yar al-'ilm (The Standard Measure of Knowledge).
->A summary account of Aristotelian logic.
4.Mihakk al-nazar fi'l-mantiq (The Touchstone of Proof in Logic).
->A summary of Aristotelian logic.
5. al-Iqtisad fi'l-i'tiqad (The Middle Path in Theology).
->An exposition of al-Ghazali's Ash'arite theological system.
6.Mizan al-'amal (The Balance of Action).
->An exposition of al-Ghazali's ethical theory. al-mustaqim (The Just Balance)
->An attempt to deduce logical rules from the Qur'an and to refute the Isma'ilis.
8.Ihya' 'ulum al-din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences).
->Al-Ghazali's summa of the religious sciences of Islam. al-Qudsiyya (The Jerusalem Epistle)
->A summary of al-Ghazali's theological system, later incorporated into the Ihya'.
10.Mishkat al-anwar (The Niche of the Lights)
->An exposition of al-Ghazali's mystical philosophy in its last phase. min 'ilm al-usul (The Essentials of the Islamic Legal Theory).
->An exposition and standard work of the Islamic legal theory of the Shafi'ite school. min al-dalal (The Deliverer from Error)
->Al-Ghazali's spiritual autobiography.
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